Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Color Theory Unit and Color Schemes artwork

This week the 6th grade artists continued to work on their color schemes unit of study. We began the unit with a complementary color scheme which uses opposite colors on the color wheel such as blue and orange,red and green and purple and violet. These color combinations give greatest contrast to the viewer and create an illusion of visual excitement in a work of art.

Next, students learned about analogous colors or color families and started a symmetrical design in cool colors such as blue,green and violet with neutral accents. The third design is based on a warm color scheme and requires the use of red,orange,yellow and intermediate colors that can be found between the primary and secondary colors. The next creative assignment is to create a neutral design with drafting tools such as circle templates and rulers.
Each student must use brown,grey,white and black to create their neutral work of art.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Color Theory Unit and Color Schemes Unit begins

This week the 6th grade artists are concentrating on the color wheel and the relationship of colors.

We are studying analogous color schemes which are used to create a mood in paintings and art in general. Students are creating a variety of symmetrical designs based on opposite colors on the color wheel which are called complementary colors. In addition,we have started a project on cool colors which are also analogous in nature.

Students will begin to develp an awareness of the relationship to color schemes in textiles,clothing,interior design,animation and film.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

6th grade Watercolor Unit and Recognition for Lakeview artists

This week most 6th grade artists completed their Illinois inspired watercolor landscape paintings. Students worked very hard and enjoyed experimenting with a variety of experimental and traditional watercolor painting techniques used by professionals in the field.

In addition, the 6th graders tried to incorporate the concept of linear perspective in their imaginative and colorful Chicago seascapes,cityscapes and Illinois scenes. Many landscapes incoporated state symbols such as the monarch butterfly,cardinal bird,or violet flowers for a more authentic realistic look to their work.

In the area of color theory students are learning how to paint a comprehensive color wheel with the introduction of primary,secondary,and intermediate colors. We have also discussed the use of complementary and analogous colors in advertising,interior design,and painting.

For our art history and art appreciation unit this week we have explored the life and work of the
painter known as Vincent Van Gogh. This 19th century artist was known for his very expressive use of color schemes and complementary color relationships in his work.

In the area of community news:

Several Lakeview artists had their winning artwork from the Downers Grove Jr.High Art Contest photographed by the Downers Grove Jr.Woman's Club for publication in the Chicago Tribune local edition dated Wed.May 12 posted 05/06/10.

The article is titled Junior Woman's Club presents local students with art awards.

These lovely photos can be viewed at:


Thursday, May 6, 2010

6th Grade continues with Watercolor unit

This week the 6th grade artists continued to paint their Illinois inspired landscape and seascape watercolor paintings.
Students used the concept of the three parts of a landscape to create the illusion of linear perspective in their work.

Also, each student is using a variety of new watercolor techniques to enhance their realistic illusion through the watercolor medium. Students are using drybrush,wet-in-wet,graded wash ,salt resist, and a variety of new techniques to emphasize a facet of nature in their paintings.

Recently, students completed a unit on 1- point perspective,geometric solids,linear perspective and the shading a cube.
Some samples of this one- point perspective work can be found on this blog.

Students have used this prior knowledge to help make their landscapes and cityscapes look more realistic and three-dimensional in nature.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

6th grade Watercolor Unit continues and Community Art News

This week the 6th grade artists continued with their Watercolor Painting unit and Color Theory unit. Students have been exploring the symbols of the state of Illinois in their exploration of the watercolor medium. They have completed various preliminary worksheets in painting techniques.

Students have begun to learn a variety of watercolor techniques such as graded wash,wet-in-wet,drybrush,flat wash, and wax resist method painting. Students will employ these diverse techniques in their Illinois inspired landscape or seascape painting.

In the area of art appreciation and art history students have also learned about the wonderful paintings and drawings done by the famous 19th century artist named Winslow Homer who dealt with many wonderful images of the sea. He is known for unique images of man against the forces of nature in his paintings of the New England seacoast.

In the area of community news:

Lakeview 7th grade artist Samantha Cho will be presented with her prize and award this Tues.May 4th at Lakeview Jr.High from one of the directors of the Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club Junior High Art Contest. Samantha's artwork won top honors for this community art contest!

In addition, Lakeview artists Samantha Cho,Angie Martino,Marwa Choudry,and Jessica Stacko all had their winning artwork displayed professionally by the Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club at the Downers Grove Public Library.

We are all excited about their success as young emerging artists in the community!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

6th Grade artists begin Watercolor Painting Unit and Color Theory

This week the 6th grade students continued with their Watercolor and Color Theory unit of study. Each student has selected an Illinois landscape or Illinois symbol to depict in a realistic landscape or seascape. Students are using the concept of foreground,middleground,and background to give the illusion of space and depth.

In additon, students are using their imagination to introduce additional pictorial elements to complete their Illinois inspired landscape or cityscape of Chicago. To enhance their knowledge of watercolor we have begun to talk about color theory and watercolor techniques in the early stages of exploration of this exciting area of art.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lakeview Artists win top awards at community art contest

This week the 6th grade art students continued with their unit on perspective and architecture. Students finished the shading and rendering of their cube in One-Point Perspective. Each 6th grade artist used three different values and created a cast shadow. Shading techniques were practiced before completion of each perspective rendering.

The 6th grade artists also learned about the fascinating life and work of Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci,in addition to the early life and career of visionary architect Frank Lloyd Wright of the modern period of Architecture.

In the area the area of community news:

Several Lakeview artists won top prize awards at the annual Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club this year. From the 7th grade Samantha Cho,Angie Martino,and Marwa Choudry won top honors and Jessica Stacko was selected for a top award from the 8th grade at Lakeview.

These Lakeview artists will have their 2D and 3D works of art professionally exhibited at the Downers Grove Public Library during May for all to enjoy.

Look out in local newspapers for further publicity and pictures of our student works of art.

Thank you again to all students who entered their work this year.