Friday, December 21, 2007

8th grade realsim unit

For this week 8th grade students have continued working on their object renderings.

In addition,students have completed a reading and discussion on the Baroque artist named Caravaggio who worked and lived in the 17th -18th c.
Caravaggio developed the use of dramatic lighting and spotlighting in his paintings. Also, the artist named Caravaggio used a full range of values in his work and a strong focal point as the students are doing in their object renderings. Students have also seen the connection between the work of Rembrandt and Caravaggio as part of this unit on realism and shading.

Students were reminded that the DGS Art department will be doing a presentation to the 8th grade in January at Lakeview Jr.High regarding the art electives that are available to students.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Realism Unit

This past week the 8th grade art students were continuing with their unit on realism.

Students have reviewed the life and work of Rembrandt who was a 17th century artist from Holland who used dramatic lighting and creative uses of shading in his realistic works of art.

Currently students are continuing with the layout of their object rendering and are exploring a variety of shading techniques to bring out the texture and detail of the object that they will be rendering. In addition during this past week the art students have created a value scale and have reviewed the significance of a full range of values in a realistic work of art.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Reflective Hand Drawing Unit comes to a close

The 8th grade art students have just completed their reflective hand drawings which show value,line,form and texture and may reflect their interests. Sample student drawings are currently displayed in the Lakeview hallway showcase near the art and music wing of the school.

Students are currently selcting interesting object photos from magazines or from digital photos to transpose in the drawing medium with pencil and the optional use of colored pencil.
In this unit the students will explore the techniques used to achieve more photographic realism in their renderings which will be highly finished and more detailed in nature.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

8th Grade art

This week begins the start of 2nd trimester art for the 8th grade students.

We are starting this trimester with a review of realistic drawing and the light and shadow system. The students have begun a reflective hand drawing of their hand in pencil with the emphasis on form and shading.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

End of trimester for 7th grade

This week students reviewed color theory and received their scratchboard designs back before the end of the trimester. Some examples of student work will be displayed after the break in the showcase at Lakeview JHS.

Samples of student artwork can be seen above in the scratchboard technique.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Scratchboard unit and Tints and Shades in Tempera Paint

In art this week students have finished their scratchboard designs. Also, this week 7th grade students also reviewed tints and shades and painted a monochromatic painting worksheet with tempera paint or water-soluble paint.

Students have completed their multicolored scratchboard images and have really enjoyed this unit and the process of scratchboard. In the near future several scratchboard images will be on display for viewing in the showcase. In addition, many still-life and scrachboard images were photographed for future display on the Lakeview website.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Finalization of Scratchboard

During this week students have been working on their scratchboard artwork. Art students are also exploring special effects in the scratchboard medium.
Samples of student still-life drawings currently can be seen in the Lakeview showcase in the hall by the lockers and a variety of student color and black and white still-life drawings will soon be photographed and posted on the Lakeview web art gallery.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Scratchboard Unit begins....

This week students have completed several steps in preparation for the creation of their final scratchboard work of art. The students are very excited about this art material and the varied techniques of scratchboard art.

Lakeview art students have created a landscape drawing and have transferred their image to a pre-inked surface or "plate." Many students have began engraving or scribing lines and textures into their scratchboard plate with a type of fine tip carving tool which creates interesting lines and patterns.

Earlier this week students used metallic pencils,colored pencils,crayons and pastels to create a reverse drawing on black paper in preparation for the concept of high-contrast imagery.

Next week 7th grade artists will be putting more details and texture into their first scratchboard drawing and will have the option of trying "special effects" and more advanced scratchboard tools and materials.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Scratchboard Unit

This week the 7th grade art students have begun a unit on Sratchboard Drawing.

The first activity was an introduction to the concept of multiples and printmaking. An overview of the concept of etching, engraving, and the printmaking process was explored in art class this week.

Early this week students practiced creating four geometric solids with the scratchboard tool.

Students learned basic scribing strokes in preparation for their larger work of art. Currently, students are looking for inspiration sources in the theme of nature for their scratchboard work and are incorporating the three parts of the landscape in their compositions or layouts.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Still-Life Drawing unit comes to a close

This week students have finalized their still-life drawing and are preparing them for display.

As we close our unit on the study of the still-life, students will be introduced to the area of scratchboard drawing which is based on the concept of engraving and etching as in printmaking.

In this new unit students will build on their knowledge of realism,geometric solids,shading and the elements and principles of art. Students will use line to show form and texture in their exciting scratchboard work which will be based on inspiration photos from nature,animals,wildlife and landscapes.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Preparation of Final Still-Life Drawings for display

We are now finalizing still -life drawings and 7th grade art students are adding interesting interpretations of texture through rubbings and imaginary backgrounds.

Next week we will study the work and life of Dutch 17th century artist named Rembrandt who was a master of light and shadow,in addition to realistic portraits

Also, students will complete final art worksheets on value, light and shadow, still-life drawing, geometric solids and shapes,in addition to the artist Cezanne.

When all artwork is completed students will mat and prepare the art for display in the Lakeview Jr.High gallery space and web gallery.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Still-Life Drawing unit and Cezanne

Currently, 7th grade artists are working on their autumn inspired still-life drawings from life. Students have the opportunity to explore shading pencils, and colored pencil techniques such as color layering this week.

As part of our art appreciation and art history unit, the students have viewed a video about the famous painter named Paul Cezanne who is considered the "father of modern art" and a master of the still-life composition. In addition, the students have completed a reading and worksheet on the life and work of Paul Cezanne in the art magazine called Art and Man.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Still-Life Drawings

This week Lakeview artists have been drawing from a variety of still-life arrangements. Students have created value scales and have also practiced shading techniques for fruit,vegetables, and geometric solids in preparation for their final still-life drawing in pencil and colored pencil.

In addition, students have begun to explore the color layering technique in drawing to create very realistic images with color reflections.

Next week we will also further explore the life and work of the French artist who was called Paul Cezanne who worked during the 19th -20th century and who changed the history of modern art through his work.

Please follow the Lakeview art displays in the showcases,hallway and on the Lakeview website link to see many samples of student artwork and creativity.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Art Appreciation for Lakeview Artists

For 7th grade art this week we are starting our unit on realism in art and the Still-Life.

For the start of this unit we are studying the work of the very famous realistic American illustrator and painter named Norman Rockwell. The wonderful work of this 20th century American artist can be found in many publications such as the Saturday Evening Post where he dealt with slices of American life and American hobbies. His work used value,shading and realistic photography as an inspiration for his portraits and compositions with people and places in the American landscape.

We will also begin to review the geometric solids,value scales and shading techniques which are used in both realistic drawings,illustrations and paintings.

Friday, September 14, 2007

7th Grade Shoe Drawings

Currently, the 7th grade art students have completed their mixed media contour line shoe drawings.

These drawings incorporate the elements of art such accentuated line, shape ,color, and texture.
In addition, we are now studying the elements and principles of art and their relationship to famous works of art.

A variety of examples of student drawings can be seen in the Lakeview JHS lobby and hallway showcases and in the Lakeview Gallery space above the lockers in the hallway near the art and music wing.

Next week we will begin our unit on geometric solids,value,shading, and drawing from a still-life compostion.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Shoe drawings

Shoe Drawings Currently the 7th grade artists are creatng interesting drawings of their shoes,sneakers, or sandals which are a reflection of their interests,their hobbies and their activities after school.They are using the elements of art to create their interpretation of their shoe through the use of accentuated line,shape color and texture.These drawings are the foundation for the introduction to our larger unit on value and shading. The current drawing unit will incorporate the steps of sketching,blocking in forms from geometric solids and the refinement of a final drawing with the use of mixed media.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Welcome back to art at Lakeview!

Hello Lakeview artists,

Welcome back to the art room at Lakeview.

This semester we will be creating many interesting art projects and will learn about several famous artists and their work.

During the first few weeks we will be exploring the Elements and Principles of Art. We will begin with a unit on value and shading.