Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tessellations and Radial Designs

This week the 6th grade artists have explored the concept of tessellations,repeat patterns,and symmetry through an art appreciation video,art books and classroom discussions. We have explored the work of M.C.Escher,graphic artist, and his work with tessellations and unusual repeat images.

Students have also begun to complete their radial designs and a selection of finished student work can be viewed in the Lakeview Jr.High showcase by the Encore classes and lockers.
Later this week will will continue to explore the relationship of color theory to design,pattern,and radial design.

Soon digital images of 8th grade clay sculpture and 6th grade radial designs will be posted on the Lakeview website or Lakeview web gallery for parent and student viewing.

Samples of student work will also be posted on this blog and future blogs.`

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Color Contrast and Symmetry in Radial Designs

The 6th grade art students have begun the enlargement step of their Radial Design.

Students are using two contrasting colors to create a dramatic effect in their design. Students will also be involved in the presentation and preparation of their final work for display. Soon student samples of radial designs will be displayed at Lakeview.

Also, this week we have continued with our art appreciation unit and have seen a very interesting video on the work of the Post-Impressionists who are known as Cezanne,
Van Gogh, and Seurat. In class we discussed their lives and work and their significance to the history of art and the artistic life of the 19th century in Europe.

This was a supplemental addition to our class activities and worksheets on the Elements and Principles of art as they are used in many famous paintings.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Radial Design and Jr.High art contest winner....

This week the 6th grade has continued with their radial design worksheets and have continued with the concept of color contrast,repeat patterns, and symmetrical designs based on the circle motif. Students have been refining their use of the ruler,compass,and have finished their shading or rendering of their preliminary radial designs.

Also, we have continued to explore the relationship of the principles of art to radial designs and to famous works of art in different periods of art history.
We have both discussed and explored visual examples in art class that show principles such as unity,balance,rhythm,emphasis,contrast,movement and pattern.

In another area of art community involvement, Lakeview Jr.High has a winner in the annual Downer's Grove Jr.High Art Contest which is sponsored by the Downers Grove Jr.Women's Club.
Michelle Wrzesinski, an 8th grade artist who is graduating with the class of 2008 this year was selected among many contestants in the area for her pencil rendering.
Congratulations again to Michelle for her creativity and winning pencil drawing!!!

Her work will be professionally exhibited at the Downers Grove Public Library in the month of May for all to view.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

6th Grade Radial Design unit continues

This week the 6th grade has started several radial design worksheets. Students have studied the elements of art in conjunction with the design of radial images which are based on symmetry, color contrast, and a repeat patten.

Students have made connections to math in their deeper understanding of the role of symmetry and lines of symmetry to the area of design,graphic design,fabric design and architectural design.

Students have viewed images of Medieval Architecture and have discussed the use of the rose window which is made of stained glass in the Gothic cathedrals and churches of Europe.

Students are currently using rulers and the compass to create a totally unique symmetrical design that will exhibit repeat colors,shapes,and spaces.

The Principles of art such as unity,balance and contrast have been explored and will be stressed further as this unit continues.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

New units in Perspective and radial design have begun

This week 6th grade art students have started a new unit of study that has connections to math,science and architecture.

At the start of this week students have begun a 1 point perspective drawing of a cube. All students have reviewed the basic vocabulary used in the creatiion of a 1 pt.perspective drawing which is used by architects ,industrial designers,and interior designers in the business world.
Students have seen connections to these areas through visuals done by professional artists in the field and class discussions. Later in this unit we will explore the historical connections to architecture,history,and scientific inventions.

We have also been exploring the relationship of the Elements and Principles of Art to both perspective drawing and radial design. In the area of radial design we have also begun an introductory worksheet that deals with math concepts of symmetry and repetition. Students have experienced the concept of a radial design and the kaleidoscope effect through the introduction of sample kaleidoscopes in art class which the students enjoyed.
Next week we will further explore the art of radial designs and their connections to math,architecture,history,and science.

Also, all 7th and 8th grade interested students should drop off your 2D or 3D artwork to the artroom on Monday for the exciting community art contest sponsored by the Downers Grove Junior Women's Club which involves the exhibiton of final winners at the Downers Grove Public Library!

Be sure to stop by the art room anytime you are free if you need help with matting your work for this fun contest!