Friday, October 31, 2008

Color Theory and Color Schemes unit begins

This week students have finished their still-life drawings. Some sample drawings can be found in the Lakeview hallway showcase which exhibit the color layering technique of shading. Students have also completed a final unit quiz on value ,shading, and geometric solids and shapes.

In addition,we have started a unit on color theory and the color wheel. Students have begun layouts for stylized designs in either a warm or cool color scheme. The 7th grade art students are using overlapping shapes,geometric shapes and stylized forms to create their unique designs.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stiil-Life final compositions

This week students have continued to create their still-life drawings. Students are learning about the light and shadow system and are including a light source,highlight,shadows,and a cast shadow in their compositions.

Students began this unit with light layout sketches and continued to create final detailed still-life compositions that show a strong focal point and the actual scale of their objects. Also, students are using a full range of values from light to dark to make their subjects look 3-D.

In addition,this week students have practiced their cartooning skills and have worked on quick cartoon images to enhance their drawing ability.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Value and Realism Unit continues

This week 7th grade artists have been working on their still-life compositions. They are using shading techniques,the concept of overlap,texture,value,and realistic color layering techniques to make their forms look 3-D and life-like.

In addition, students have read about a 17th-18th c. Baroque artist named Caravaggio who used dramatic spot lighting to achieve emphasis and a strong focal point in his realistic works.
Also, this week, the 7th grade students have seen a video on the life and work of Cezanne, who was a French post-impressionistic artist who is most known for his fruit still-life paintings. We have explored his relationship to the development of the modern movement in art and modern interpretations of the still-life as an art form.

Students also practiced color layering and shading techniques with crayons this week to be used as an option in individual student projects to show realistic color.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Realism unit continues

Students are currently still working on their realism and still-life unit of study.

For our art history and art appreciation unit this week we have explored the life and work of Post- Impressionsits known as Van Gogh, Cezanne, and Seurat who were part of the pre-modern period of art.

Students have started to practice using some value on their still-life studies.

In the area of realism and art history, students have read about the life and work of the Italian Baroque artist named Caravaggio who worked from the l7th-18th century. Students learned about foreshortening, dramatic lighting, and spotlighting on subjects for emphasis and dominance. These techniques were used by Caravaggio in his realistic works of art during the Baroque period. The 7th grade art students will use this knowledge to enhance their still-life compositions.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Value unit continues

Lakeview 7th grade art students have continued their unit on value, realism, and still-life drawing.

During this week, students read about the famous French artist named Cezanne who was a master of the still-life painting in the 19th to 20th century. He is considered the father of modern art in the western world.

Each student has completed a value scale this week that shows a range of values or tones from dark to light. This knowledge of tonal values and shading is integral to the study of realism and the illusion of 3-dimensional forms in a still-life compostion.

Students have begun sketching layouts of a variety of still-life objects and geometric solids in preparation for their final composition