Friday, January 30, 2009

Clay Sculpture Drawings and Bas-Relief Sculpture Techniques

This week students have completed their clay drawings in full color and nature internet research.

Students have begun thier bas-relief and in-the-round sculpture unit. The 8th grade students are exploring the medium of clay and metal sculpture. Students are learning about clay projections, recessions,and the use of texture in a sculptural work of art.

In the area of community news, several Lakeview students have won ribbons and recognition awards for the annual Darien Women's Club Youth Art Fair Contest.

For the 8th grade the art winners are:
Julia Wood,Andrea Fogarty,and Claire Aguzino

For the 7th grade the art winners were:
Emily Pikul and Ross Netzel

For the 6th grade the art winners were:
Jennifer Shi and Nicole Wroblewski

Congratulations and great job Lakeview artists!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Clay Sculpture Drawings and Darien Women's Club Art Contest news

This week Lakeview art students have been busy using the internet and library books to find information on a nature subject to use for inspiration for their clay sculpture project.

Students are drawing out their concept or idea for a bas-relief or in-the-round sculpture project in the medium of clay. Each student will enhance their sculpture by using the element of texture and realistic color to represent their theme.

In the area of community news, art students should bring in their artwork this Friday Jan.23,2009 between 4:30 and 6:30 only to the Eisenhower Jr.High School Commons Room for the Darien Women's Club Creative Youth Art Fair of 2009.

Remember, only works of art that have been pre-registered can be exhibited in this show. Details about this exciting community art event are posted throughout the Lakeview Jr.High hallways by the two art display showcases.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Darien Women's Art Contest Reminder and Realsim unit is finalized

This week we have been finalizing the realistic object renderings.

Students are also involved in the matting and presentation of their artwork for display purposes.

The 8th grade classes have also explored the basics of clay sculpture this week through the use of art appreciation videos and samples of clay works of art and pottery. We have reviewed the basic techniques of throwing on the pottery wheel and techniques for handbuilt clay sculpture.

We have also discussed the many ceramics and art class offerings at the Downers Grove South High School in preparation for High School registration and orientation.

In the are the area of community news, the Darien Women's Club is still accepting art entries for the annual Youth Art Fair Contest if the entry form is dropped off at the Indian Prairie Library by this Sat.January17,2009.


This event will be held Jan.23,24,and 25th at the Eisenhower Jr.High School.

Students are also asked to show community support for local military personnel through donations of needed items in collection baskets on drop off days at the Eisenhower Jr.High Art Exhibit sponsored by the Darien Women's Club.

This is part of the Darien Women's Club We Care Program.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Realism unit continues and Darien Women's Club Art Contest

This week the 8th grade artists have been busy working on their object renderings.
Students are transposing full color photos into highly detailed realistic renderings that show the element of texture through a variety of shading techniques.

Students are using additional elements of art such as value,line,form,and space to enhance their drawing. In addition, the 8th grade artists are using the art principle of contrast and dominance to bring out their subject

Also, in the area of community news the Darien Women's Club is still accepting 2-dimensional work and 3-dimensional artwork registration forms if the entry form is dropped off to the Indian Prairie-Library before the end of this week. Review the posted flyers for detailed contest requirements.

Detailed information about this exciting community art contest is posted in the Lakeview Jr.High hallways near the showcases and in the art room.

Miss Lehrer will help all students with the matting and presentation of their artwork if needed. Stop by the art room if you need help with matting your

2-dimensional artwork for this exciting art contest and exhibit.