Friday, February 27, 2009

Graphic Design Unit continues

This week the 8th grade art students have been working on their design of a graduation cover design for the 8th Grade Commencement in June.

Students have used graphic symbols that express learning,achievement,the future,and life at Lakeview Jr.High School in their designs.

The art principles of unity,contrast,proportion and dominance have been stressed in this unit of study. In addition, students have used different fonts or typefaces to enhance their designs with a message,quote or inspirational phrase.
For our art appreciation unit, we have begun to explore the life and work of the 20th century
Dutch artist known as Mondrian who is considered to be one of the artists that has greatly influenced architecture,industrial design and graphic arts due to his use of abstraction from nature and simplification of an idea.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sculpture unit ends and Graphic Design unit begins for 8th grade art

This past week students have completed painting details on their clay sculpture and have done some finishing touches on their work.

In addition, 8th grade art students have started their unit on advertising arts and graphic design. Students are learning about the principles of good graphic design in the creation of a program cover for the upcoming 8th Grade commencement ceremony.

This is an exciting real-life application of their knowledge of design,typefaces, and pictorial symbols. The students will be using principles such as unity,repetition,contrast and emphasis in the design of their program cover.

In addition, the 8th grade students are using various inspiration sources from their internet research to create a preliminary rough layout for their design. This rough pencil layout will be the basis for a final graduation cover design for the June commencement at Lakeview Jr.High School in June of 2009.

See Ms.Lehrer in the art room for entry requirements and contest details if you are not currently in art class at Lakeview Jr.High.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sculpture unit comes to a close this week....

This week the 8th grade art students have been finalizing their clay and metal sculptures in class. Students have explored various painting techniques such as stippling,drybrush, and the use of glazes on their clay sculptures.

We have also briefly experimented with impressionsitic style techniques.

For art appreciation this week,we will continue to view and discuss the exciting sculptural work of the 2oth century sculptor named George Segal who is best known for his plaster life-size sculptures of people in everyday settings.

Friday, February 6, 2009

8th Grade Sculpture Unit continues

This week the 8th grade artists created clay sculptures and began bas-relief metal or clay works of art.

Students have also explored the life of the French sculptor named Auguste Rodin who worked during both the 19th and 20th centuries. He is most well known for his works dealing with the human form and is well-known for his in-the round sculpture known as
"The Thinker."

In addition, we have begun to discuss the work of the contemporary sculptor named George Segal who is best known for his life-size plaster cast studies of the human form in every day settings. His works usually are open to a lot of interpretation due to the social impact and mood of his work.

We have also begun to review color theory and color painting techniques for clay and craft works of art.