Wednesday, March 25, 2009

6th Grade artists begin Surrealism Unit

This week the 6th grade has begun their Surrealistic unit of study. Students are creating a photomontage composition with a hand drawn image integrated into the compositon.

Students are using overlapping of forms,silhouettes,and the illusion of space in their work. Students will use the elements of line,shape,value,space,texture and color to enhance their work of art.
In addition, the principles of unity,proportion,and dominance will be used.
In the area of art history and art appreciation, the 6th grade is reviewing the work of Salvatore Dali, Rene Magritte,and M.C. Escher who are 20th century artists known for their unique fantasy-like transformation images.

In the area of community news, any 7th or 8th grade Lakeview student may enter their 2D or 3D artwork in the annual Darien Junior Women's Club Junior High Art Contest.

See Miss Lehrer in the art room for contest details and an entry form or go to the website below:

Friday, March 20, 2009

6th Grade art and Exciting Jr.High Art Contest for 7th and 8th Grade Artists...

This week the 6th grade art students have been studying the elements of art. The students have also begun to explore famous paintings and their relationship to the elements of art.

The element of line and form has been incorporated into the 6th grade cartooning exercises this week.

In the area of art news, congratulations goes to 8th grade artist Christine Hood for her beautiful winning design for the Class of 2009 Grad Cover Design Art Contest!!
The 8th grade students put a lot of effort into their creative entries again this year.

In the area of community news and events , any 7th or 8th grade Lakeview student can enter their 2D or 3D artwork in the exciting Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club Art Contest!!!! See Ms.Lehrer in the Lakeview Jr.High Art Room for an entry form or pick one up from the hall poster advertisements posted in the Lakeview halls.

All artwork will be picked up on Tuesday April 14,2009 for the judging from Lakeview.

Awards will be presented on April 28 and winning artwork will be displayed at the Downers Grove Public Library.
Further information can be found at the Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club website:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The 3rd Trimester Art Begins for 6th Grade

This is the first week of the 3rd trimester at Lakeview Junior High for the 6th grade students. We have begun our Drawing unit and introduction to our Elements of Art unit, as well.

Students have created an imaginary drawing using one or more of the Elements of Art in their work such as line, shape, color, value, texture, and space. In addition,each student wrote a description of their artistic theme and discussed their use of an element of art in their work.

Also, this week we started our cartooning unit which is explored throughout the trimester since this enhances drawing skills.

Currently, parents,students and the community-at-large can view examples of recent 8th grade artwork from the 2nd trimester on my blog,as well as on the Center Cass School District 66 website by looking at the Lakeview link.

Some recent 8th grade artwork can be found on this blog.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Last week for 8th grade art

For this last week of 2nd trimester, the 8th grade students have been involved in a graphic design and advertising arts unit of study.

Students are completing the final details on the Class of 2009 Graduation program cover.

This work will be evaluated as a graphic design assignment, as well as an entry in the annual Grad Cover Design art contest at Lakeview Jr.High.

Also, this week we will begin an overview of the concept of logo design,trademarks,and symbols in art.

Students will begin some creative exercises in this area of study.

Examples of 8th grade gold metal scratchboard images and a variety of clay sculpture is currently on display in the small showcase area by the hallway lockers.

In addition, a variety of 8th grade drawings and clay sculpture will soon be included in the web gallery for the Lakeview Jr.High website for viewing.
Some examples of recent 8th grade artwork can be viewed on this blog.