Tuesday, November 24, 2009

End of 1st Trimester 7th grade art.

The 7th grade artists had a two day week which ended the trimester. The students took home their scratchboard drawings,still-life drawings and Pop Art inspired works of art to share with their families over the Thanksgiving Break.

In the area of community news and involvement:

Several 7th grade art students will have the opportunity to exhibit their drawings this year at the Downers Grove South Winter Art Show which will be a collaborative art exhibit this year. Five Lakeview art students will be selected and will have the opportunity to exhibit their work with DGS art students as an emerging artists in the community. More news will follow in future blog news during 2nd Trimester art.

Happy Thanksgiving....

End of 1st Trimester 7th grade art.

End of 1st Trimester 7th grade art.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Scratchboard Unit continues and Pop Art Unit has ended

This week students have completed their pattern and transfer step to begin the scatchboard process. Students are using nature themes and the elements of line and texture to complete their exciting scratchboard designs.

Students have viewed scratchboard examples and have seen a more advanced process of scratchboard at the professional level.

The 7th grade has also finished all their Pop Art mixed media drawings and are now taking them home to display with their pencil still-life work. Samples of these works will soon be shown on the district website gallery for viewing.

Also, sample 7th grade still-life drawings can be viewed in the Lakeview small showcase near the art and music rooms.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pop Art Unit coming to a close and Scratchboard begins

The students are finalizing their Pop Art drawings. Many students have completed their final Pop Art design and some samples of recent 7th grade artwork can be viewed shortly.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pop Art Unit Continues

The 7th grade artists are busy transposing a small comic frame to a large scale enlargement.
Students are using the concept of a grid for measurements and enlargement to scale.

The students are also selecting stencils and are using guidelines to create a large word or type in a speech balloon in the style of the Pop Art movement of the 1960s. Students are learning about horizonatal and vertical page formats and the use of a layout.

Once the pencil layout has been created student artists have begun their experimentation with a crayon and marker resist method to re-create the look of photo silk screen images which were used by artists such as Andy Warhol.

Sudents are using bright colors and often neon or flourescent colors to reflect the work of Warhol and a fellow artist named Roy Lichtenstein of the Modern period of art.