Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Realism Unit continues

For this week the 8th grade art students are learing about values scales and are working on their object renderings with a variety of shading pencils as part of their realsim unit.

Each student has selected an interesting photograph to render in detail that shows two or more different textures or surface qualities.

Also, as part of this unit we will review the life of the famous Dutch artist known as Rembrandt who was a master of realism and dramatic light and shadow effects.

In the area of community involvement, any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student interested in entering their 2-D or 3-D artwork in the annual Darien Women's Club Creative Youth Fair Art Contest should see Miss Lehrer in the artroom to pick up a registration form and get help with matting your work for the display.

All registration forms should be received before January 10th,2009 if they are to be mailed by the artist.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Reflective Hand Drawings and Realism unit

This week the 8th grade artist students have been working on their reflective hand drawings. They are using the elements of art and various shading techniques.

Students have tried to express some personal thought in their drawings through symbols, background elements, and a photomontage effect in some works.

Also, students are reviewing the elements and principles of art and how they relate to the creation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

2nd Trimester 8th Grade Art Classes begin

This week the 8th grade started their unit on drawing and realism in art. We started to review the basic geometric solids,shading and the concept of "blocking in forms." Students practiced sketching and shading various geometric forms and realistic subjects in pencil,crayon and pastel.

Student artists have also started a project related to drawing their hand in an expressive or reflective way. The 8th grade artists were given the opportunity to bring in an object to hold that expresses their likes,interests or personality. In addition, students have the option of incorporating a symbol or a collage element in their work that represents something about their interests or personality.

We have also started to review the relationship of the elements of art to this project.

Monday, November 24, 2008

1st Trimester art comes to a close for the 7th grade

This is the last week of school for the 7th grade artists before the Thanksgiving break.

The students will be viewing videos on advanced scratchboard technique and pastel drawing. We will discuss the connections in the area of printmaking to the concept of scratchboard.

Next week the 8th grade students will begin the 2nd trimester on December 1st.

Have a good holiday!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Scratchboard unit comes to a close

This week the 7th grade artists completed their final scatchboard designs which incorporated the elements of texture,line and shape. The theme was nature based and each student was required to use the 3 parts of a landscape in their work to make their images look more realistic and to show linear perspective.

In the foreground,middleground, and background each student used texture to enhance their image and use of linear perspective. Students tried multicolor scratchboard,glitter scratchboard, and stained glass scratchboard to achieve special effects and moods in their work.

Please take a look at the hall showcase which has examples of 7th grade final color scheme designs in the Lakeview Jr. High hallway by the locker area.

Some samples of 7th grade art projects can be found on this blog and will be shown on the Lakeview website in the near future.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Color Scheme unit ends

This week the 7th grade artists have completed their warm and cool color scheme designs.

Students have learned about analogous color theory and the use of neutral colors in designs. The 7th grade used informal balance in most of their designs.

Sample 7th grade artwork will be displayed in the Lakeview Hallway showcase soon. Some of the sample Lakeview art projects will be displayed on the district website in the near future, as well as on my blog.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Color Schemes Designs and Color Theory

This week the 7th grade art students are working on their stylized color scheme designs which are based on geometric shapes and symbolic forms. Students are using three or more cool or warm colors on the color wheel to create analogous color schemes that incorporate one or more neutral colors.

In addition, the 7th grade artists are working with the art elements such as shape,space,and color in conjunction with the important art principles of unity,contrast,rhythm and movement to create exciting works of art in colored markers and colored pencils.

We have also revewed color theory,color mixing techniques,and some design principles to reinforce the concept of good design and a unified work of art.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Color Theory and Color Schemes unit begins

This week students have finished their still-life drawings. Some sample drawings can be found in the Lakeview hallway showcase which exhibit the color layering technique of shading. Students have also completed a final unit quiz on value ,shading, and geometric solids and shapes.

In addition,we have started a unit on color theory and the color wheel. Students have begun layouts for stylized designs in either a warm or cool color scheme. The 7th grade art students are using overlapping shapes,geometric shapes and stylized forms to create their unique designs.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stiil-Life final compositions

This week students have continued to create their still-life drawings. Students are learning about the light and shadow system and are including a light source,highlight,shadows,and a cast shadow in their compositions.

Students began this unit with light layout sketches and continued to create final detailed still-life compositions that show a strong focal point and the actual scale of their objects. Also, students are using a full range of values from light to dark to make their subjects look 3-D.

In addition,this week students have practiced their cartooning skills and have worked on quick cartoon images to enhance their drawing ability.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Value and Realism Unit continues

This week 7th grade artists have been working on their still-life compositions. They are using shading techniques,the concept of overlap,texture,value,and realistic color layering techniques to make their forms look 3-D and life-like.

In addition, students have read about a 17th-18th c. Baroque artist named Caravaggio who used dramatic spot lighting to achieve emphasis and a strong focal point in his realistic works.
Also, this week, the 7th grade students have seen a video on the life and work of Cezanne, who was a French post-impressionistic artist who is most known for his fruit still-life paintings. We have explored his relationship to the development of the modern movement in art and modern interpretations of the still-life as an art form.

Students also practiced color layering and shading techniques with crayons this week to be used as an option in individual student projects to show realistic color.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Realism unit continues

Students are currently still working on their realism and still-life unit of study.

For our art history and art appreciation unit this week we have explored the life and work of Post- Impressionsits known as Van Gogh, Cezanne, and Seurat who were part of the pre-modern period of art.

Students have started to practice using some value on their still-life studies.

In the area of realism and art history, students have read about the life and work of the Italian Baroque artist named Caravaggio who worked from the l7th-18th century. Students learned about foreshortening, dramatic lighting, and spotlighting on subjects for emphasis and dominance. These techniques were used by Caravaggio in his realistic works of art during the Baroque period. The 7th grade art students will use this knowledge to enhance their still-life compositions.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Value unit continues

Lakeview 7th grade art students have continued their unit on value, realism, and still-life drawing.

During this week, students read about the famous French artist named Cezanne who was a master of the still-life painting in the 19th to 20th century. He is considered the father of modern art in the western world.

Each student has completed a value scale this week that shows a range of values or tones from dark to light. This knowledge of tonal values and shading is integral to the study of realism and the illusion of 3-dimensional forms in a still-life compostion.

Students have begun sketching layouts of a variety of still-life objects and geometric solids in preparation for their final composition

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Realism and the shading intro

This week Lakeview art students have been learning about geometric solids and geometric shapes and how they relate to drawing a realistic still-life.

Students have viewed a video and read material on the life and work of the famous 17th century artist named Rembrandt. Rembrandt was a master of realism and used lighting in an innovative way to highlight his subjects.

Students have also begun exercises in value and shading techniques which will enhance their knowledge of realistic value drawing. In addition, students have reviewed the Principles of Art and how they relate to the study of a still-life composition and works of art.

In the area of community news, the Indian Prairie Library has an exciting art contest opportunity for student artists in grades 7-12th grade in the community. They are looking for original design ideas for the entry way walls for the new teen lounge.

For complete information and an application for go to:
Appications must be received by October 10,2008.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Element of Line and Modern art

This past week students finalized their contour line shoe drawings. Several 7th grade students also assisted in the matting and preparation of artwork for display.

In the area of art appreciation and art history, the 7th grade art students explored the Pop Art movement of the 1960's with an art video and class discussion. Students learned about the work of pop artists Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein who used contour line and everyday objects in their work. Students saw the connection between the use of contour line in advertising art,comic book characters and the work of the Pop Art period. Students used accentuated contour lines that were both thick and thin to create emphasis and drama in their artwork much like these modern pop artists did.

Also, in another way students were also exposed to another 20th century modern Dutch artist named Piet Mondrian who used line in a good part of his later work. Students explored this artist's intense use of line,shape and color through an art video and later class discussion about his work.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

7th Grade Drawing unit

This week 7th grade artists have been working on their drawing skills. Students have been busy using their skills of observation and interpretation in a contour line expressive drawing of their shoe.
Each student is using the elements of line, shape,form,color, and texture to create their interpretation of their favorite shoe. Also, some students are adding expressive color effects and personal embellishments to their shoe drawing to give it a sense of their personality and interests.
Samples of these student drawings can be viewed in the Lakeview Jr. High showcases and Lakeview artroom.

Friday, September 5, 2008

7th Grade Drawing Unit begins

In 7th grade art we began our Drawing Unit with quick contour line drawing exercises of the face and human form. We also reviewed the basic elements of art and how they relate to drawing.

This week art students have been reviewing basic simple geometric solids and 3-D forms as they draw with a cartoon video. Students have begun to practice introductory shading techniques on their cartoon drawings.

In addition students began a worksheet on contour line drawing steps. After a review of sketching layout techniques the 7th grade students have begun to draw their own shoes with a focus on line,shape,and form this week in art.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Welcome back to the art program at Lakeview Jr.High.

We will be doing many different art activities for the first trimester for the 7th grade. Our focus will be two-dimensional imagery,art appreciation,and art history.

For the week of August 25,2008 Lakeview artists will begin their review of many art concepts, famous artists and their works, in addition to a review of the Elements and Principles of Art.

Lakeview Jr. High School
701 Plainfield Road
Downers Grove, IL 60516
Dear Parents,
As the art teacher of Lakeview Jr. High, I would like to welcome your child into the art program. My background consists of a Masters Degree in Art Education and a wide range of teaching experience at both the senior and junior high school level.
At Lakeview the sixth grade program is an introductory art program which explores the basic principles and elements of art through a variety of art experiences. These creative experiences and projects include art appreciation and some art history. At times, students may have an opportunity to assist in some school art display work and the presentation of finished artwork.
Student artwork is displayed in the Art Room, in the showcase, and in the Lakeview Junior High Art gallery space in the hallway by the lockers throughout the trimester. In addition digital images of samples of Lakeview student artwork can be found on the Lakeview Jr.High website.
In the seventh and eighth grade, students work on more advanced in-depth projects. These assignments are created in conjunction with the study of art history, famous artists, and art appreciation.

My class requirements include a grading system based upon individual grades for each final project and for some preliminary work. In addition, students receive grades on unit tests,quizes,and worksheets which cover major units of the curriculum and art history. These materials cover basic concepts and vocabulary for each grade level. On occasion, a system of bonus points are added to a student’s average for extra credit or enrichment assignments.
I look forward to having your child in my art class at Lakeview Jr. High.
Also, please feel free to call me if you have any questions about the art program.


Miss Lehrer
Art Teacher

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

6th grade art closes with scenic landscape watercolors

The 6th grade artists have finished their landscape paintings in the watercolor medium. They have used their knowledge of the color wheel and various watercolor techniques in their artwork.

Also, students have been exposed to the paintings and life of American artist,Edward Hopper and Winslow Homer who were modern artists of the 20th century.

These artists are well known for their paintings and watercolors. Currently, there is beautiful retrospective of their artwork at The Art Institute of Chicago that shows the entire collection of their work.

Also, congratulations to the Class of 2008 as they start a new journey in High School.... Have a wonderful summer and we will see you in the fall in the Art Room.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Color Theory and Watercolor unit continues

This week students have finalized their watercolor color wheel and have learned about primary,secondary,intermediate and neutral colors. We have reviewed color vocabulary and terms,in addition to analogous and complementary color schemes.

Students have begun painting their watercolor landscape painting and have begun to explore various watercolor techniques which were demonstrated in class. The 6th grade artists are using their knowledge of linear perspective and the 3 parts of a landscape to create a realistic landscape or seascape for their watercolor painting. The students are enjoying their final 6th grade painting experience, as they learn to use a theme in their work such as the Illinois state symbols or Illinois scenic landscapes.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Color Theory,Color Schemes and Watercolor Painting unit

Currently the 6th grade artists have begun their color theory and watercolor painting unit.

This week we have explored the color wheel in painting and have worked on an analogous color scheme. The students have learned about the concept of warm and cool color schemes in art and their effect on mood in a work of art.

In addition, we have begun to explore the many exciting watercolor techniques used by professional artists in the field of art. Students have begun to sketch an idea or layout for their landscape painting in the watercolor medium based upon an inspiration source such as the Illinois landscape or a symbol of Illinois.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Perspective and Architecture Unit.

The perspective/architecture unit is soon coming to a close for the 6th grade.
Sample 1 -point perspective drawings can be viewed on my blog today. This week the 6th grade students have been finalizing their 1 pt.perspective drawings in class. Students have used three different values and a cast shadow to delineate the form of a cube.
Also this week as part of our perspective/architecture unit we have explored the work and life of Renaissance artist,Leonardo Da Vinci, who used the light & shadow system and linear perspective.In addition we have reviewed the work of the famous architect named Frank Lloyd Wright who began his career in the midwest cities of Oak Park and Chicago for our unit on architecture and perspective.
Also, stop by the Lakeview Jr.High lobby showcase to see some high-contrast student examples of radial design from the 6th grade classes. Soon more student work will be posted on the Lakeview website for viewing and further enjoyment.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Radial Designs finalized and One-Point Perspective unit continues

For this week 6th grade artists were finishing their final radial design projects. In addition, students are mounting their work for display and final review. Soon samples of these designs will be displayed on the Lakeview website and at Lakeview.

Early this week the students viewed a video on Basic Perspective concepts that further explored basic methods of creating one and two point perspective drawings. It also showed how to analyze landscapes and re-interpret them on a two-dimensional surface. This information will be very helpful as we complete our 1 point perspective drawings of a cube under a light source. Also, this perspective exposure will also help students create landscapes and seascapes for our future landscape painting unit.

We are now incorporating vocabulary and shading into our perspective drawings in color so that their look more three-dimensional and realsitic.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tessellations and Radial Designs

This week the 6th grade artists have explored the concept of tessellations,repeat patterns,and symmetry through an art appreciation video,art books and classroom discussions. We have explored the work of M.C.Escher,graphic artist, and his work with tessellations and unusual repeat images.

Students have also begun to complete their radial designs and a selection of finished student work can be viewed in the Lakeview Jr.High showcase by the Encore classes and lockers.
Later this week will will continue to explore the relationship of color theory to design,pattern,and radial design.

Soon digital images of 8th grade clay sculpture and 6th grade radial designs will be posted on the Lakeview website or Lakeview web gallery for parent and student viewing.

Samples of student work will also be posted on this blog and future blogs.`