Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Element of Line and Modern art

This past week students finalized their contour line shoe drawings. Several 7th grade students also assisted in the matting and preparation of artwork for display.

In the area of art appreciation and art history, the 7th grade art students explored the Pop Art movement of the 1960's with an art video and class discussion. Students learned about the work of pop artists Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein who used contour line and everyday objects in their work. Students saw the connection between the use of contour line in advertising art,comic book characters and the work of the Pop Art period. Students used accentuated contour lines that were both thick and thin to create emphasis and drama in their artwork much like these modern pop artists did.

Also, in another way students were also exposed to another 20th century modern Dutch artist named Piet Mondrian who used line in a good part of his later work. Students explored this artist's intense use of line,shape and color through an art video and later class discussion about his work.