Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Imaginative images from the 6th grade

This week 6th graders are finishing their creativity worksheets. Students are using their knowledge of the elements of art to create an image with a title and theme that incorporates one or more of the elements of art.

Students will also be exploring a computer animation odyssey in film with very creative and imaginative computer generated imagery. This will help students see the connection with careers in computers and animation and drawing and design.

When we return from Spring Break which begins this week students should stop by the art room to pick up entry forms for the Downers Grove Jr.High Art Contest. Remember any 7th or 8th grade interested student at Lakeview Jr. High can submit their 2D or 3D work of art in any media.

This exciting community art contest is sponsored by the Downers Grove Junior Women's Club.

Also, congratulations to 6th grade artist Emily Pikul and 8th grade artist Raven Wilson for their creative interpretations of a Dr.Seuss book and characters! They were the Lakeview winners of the Center Cass District 66 PTO Fund Raiser art contest!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

6th Grade and exciting community and district art contests!!

The 6th grade had a busy week of ISAT testing and also started some new areas in art.
We have been working on drawing and cartooning skills. As part of on going units, the 6th grade has reviewed the basic elements of art and their relationship to a work of art. We have discussed how the elements of art are used in famous master paintings and major works of art.

Several Lakeview 6th and 8th grade students have entered their drawings of Dr. Seuss characters in the PTO Art Contest. Students are awaiting the results of the contest for the Center Cass School District Fund Raiser called Horton Hears a Who! which took place this Sunday.

Also, in the area of new contests in the community the Downers Grove Women's Club has just announced the arrival of the Jr.High Art Contest for 7th and 8th grade art students of District 66 and District 58.

Any 2-D or 3-D work of art is eligible for the contest.
Awards will be presented and winning artwork will be displayed at the Downers Grove Public Library in May.
All artwork from Lakeview Jr. High will be picked up the morning of April 8th.

Stop by the Lakeview Jr.High art room as soon as possible to get an entry from and more detailed information about this exciting community event!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

3rd Trimester Art begins

This week 6th grade art began at the start of the 3rd trimester. Students will be using the elements of art to begin an imaginary drawing of their choice as an intoductory exercise in realism.

This week we will review the elements of art and their use in famous paintings as part of our art appreciation unit. Students will discuss line,shape,color,form,value and texture in major works of art as they learn about some famous major artists in class.

During the later part of the week 6th grade will begin some practice in cartoon drawing and sketching of some basic geometric forms. Students will have several opportunities to explore cartooning in class throughout the semester which is great practice for drawing skills.

Currently in the lobby showcase there are samples of 8th grade Grad cover designs for the
Class of 2008 graduation program competition. The 8th grade art students explored the world of graphic design and advertising for this project and each student had a theme in mind and some students used creative phrases or lines of copy to enhance their concept.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

2nd trimester art comes to a close

The 8th grade art studetns have just finished their bas-relief sculptures. Several examples can be viewed in the hallway showcase at Lakeview Jr.High.

During this past week the 8th grade artists learned a little about Impressionism and Post-Impressionism and created a landscape drawing in that style of art.

To close our unit in sculpture and art appreciation, the 8th grade students learned about a very famous 20th century American sculptor named George Segal. This artist is best known for his life-life plaster casts of human forms in everyday situations in life. This artist's works and studio method were explored in class and connections were made to the real world.

The Center Cass School district PTO is sponsoring a fun and exciting art contest !!!!

Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade interested student can enter their drawing of a Dr.Seuss character or favorite book on approximately 8 " x 11" or larger white board or drawing paper. Stop by the Lakeview art room during the week of March 4,"08 to get more details and to submit your work for the art contest.

Next week 6th grade starts their 3rd trimester in art class....