Saturday, March 1, 2008

2nd trimester art comes to a close

The 8th grade art studetns have just finished their bas-relief sculptures. Several examples can be viewed in the hallway showcase at Lakeview Jr.High.

During this past week the 8th grade artists learned a little about Impressionism and Post-Impressionism and created a landscape drawing in that style of art.

To close our unit in sculpture and art appreciation, the 8th grade students learned about a very famous 20th century American sculptor named George Segal. This artist is best known for his life-life plaster casts of human forms in everyday situations in life. This artist's works and studio method were explored in class and connections were made to the real world.

The Center Cass School district PTO is sponsoring a fun and exciting art contest !!!!

Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade interested student can enter their drawing of a Dr.Seuss character or favorite book on approximately 8 " x 11" or larger white board or drawing paper. Stop by the Lakeview art room during the week of March 4,"08 to get more details and to submit your work for the art contest.

Next week 6th grade starts their 3rd trimester in art class....