Thursday, October 29, 2009

Still-Life Unit ends and Pop Art Unit Begins for 7th Grade

This week students put their final touches on their realistic still-life drawings.

Students created a variety of compositions using both geometric solids as well as fruits,vegetables,and other household objects made of diverse textures and materials.

Also, this week we began a major unit on Pop Art and the use of a grid in layout and design.
For our art history unit we have studied the work of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein who were two very important Pop artists of the Modern Period of art history.

Students will be creating a blow-up or enlargement of a small comic and will transpose the image on to a much larger scale in the style of the Pop art movement of the l960's.

Students are learning about type,guidelines,lettering styles, and composition formats as they transpose their comic into a Pop Art work of art.