Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hand Drawing Unit comes to a close

This week the 8th grade artists finalized their hand drawings. Students used a range of values and texture to complete their work. Several students will be submitting their hand drawings to the annual Darien Women's Club Art Contest this year.

In addition, the 8th grade has explored portrait drawing and has completed a short worksheet on facial features and shading the face.

Currently, students are selecting photos to render for our next unit called Object Rendering. Each student must select an interesting photo with two or more unique and different textures.

In the area of community news, the Darien Womens' Club is sponsoring their annual art contest which is open to 6th,7th,and 8th grade artists.

Detailed information can be found on their website:

Also see Miss Lehrer in the art room for more information and registration forms for this exciting contest after Winter Break.
Miss Lehrer will help any student with the matting and presentation of their work for the contest.

Happy Holidays and I will see you in 2010!