Wednesday, April 7, 2010

6th Grade Artist work on their Perspective Drawings

This week the 6th grade artists continued to work on their One- Point Perspective multi-colored drawings. Students have created a cube with the use of a vanishing point,orthagonals,a light source and a sense of dimension through value and shading.

In addition,students have studied the life and work of the Renaissance artist named Leondardo da Vinci who invented linear perspective and the use of light and shadow in his paintings and drawings. Students have viewed the many artistic creations and amazing inventions of this visionary artist and inventor of the Renaissance Period of Art in Italy.

In the area of community news:

Thank you to all the Lakeview 7th and 8th grade artists who have entered their clay sculpture and drawings in the annual Downers Grove Junior High Art Contest of 2010 sponsored by the Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club.

Winners will be announced at the end of April 2010.

Good luck to all!