Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hand Drawing Unit comes to a close

This week the 8th grade artists finalized their hand drawings. Students used a range of values and texture to complete their work. Several students will be submitting their hand drawings to the annual Darien Women's Club Art Contest this year.

In addition, the 8th grade has explored portrait drawing and has completed a short worksheet on facial features and shading the face.

Currently, students are selecting photos to render for our next unit called Object Rendering. Each student must select an interesting photo with two or more unique and different textures.

In the area of community news, the Darien Womens' Club is sponsoring their annual art contest which is open to 6th,7th,and 8th grade artists.

Detailed information can be found on their website:

Also see Miss Lehrer in the art room for more information and registration forms for this exciting contest after Winter Break.
Miss Lehrer will help any student with the matting and presentation of their work for the contest.

Happy Holidays and I will see you in 2010!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lakeview Artists Exhibited at DGS Winter Show

This week the 8th grade artists have continued with the drawing of their hands. They are using various shading techniques and some computer generated images for their work.

In addition,this week we have reviewed various types of perspective and the Elements and Principles of Art.

Several Lakeview artists have had their drawings exhibited side by side DGS High school artwork this year as part of the Annual Winter Show and Music Concert at the high school this week. Lakeview students have been recognized as new emerging artists.

Also, in the area of community news the Darien Women's Club is sponsoring an exciting juried art show soon. See Miss Lehrer in the art room for contest details and registration forms.

Miss Lehrer will professionally mat your work for this exciting community art contest.
Stop by the art room at Lakeview for more information.

More news will follow at Lakeview and in my future blogs.....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

8th Grade Art begins

This week was the start of 2nd trimester art for the 8th grade.

We have begun a short review of the elements of art and their relationship to realistic drawing.
Each 8th grade artist is creating a reflective hand drawing of their own hand. Students have the option of incorporating a small hand held inanimate object in their hand. This object should relect an interest,hobby, or future aspiration. In addition, students may choose to incorporate an object in the distance by using the concept of linear perspective in their work.

Students are using the elements of line,shape,form,value,and texture in their drawing.

As part of this unit we have reviewed the life and work of the realistic painter and illustrator known as Norman Rockwell. This artist used many facial gestures as well as expressive hand images in his work.

Also,this year some Lakeview 7th grade artists have been selected to be exhibited with the work of Downers Grove South High School students for their Winter Art Show which begins December 2009. Although Lakeview has numerous outstanding talented students,this year we were given the opportunity to exhibit 5 outstanding 2D works of art from the 7th grade.

This year Nicole Wroblewski,April Wendling,Jennifer Shi,Samantha Cho,and Serenity Stapleton will have their drawings displayed with DGS artists at the Downers Grove South High School gallery space in the annual Winter Art Show.

Congratulations to these Lakeview 7th grade artists!

Be sure to follow the Lakeview web gallery for more images of Lakeview students' artwork and my blog.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

End of 1st Trimester 7th grade art.

The 7th grade artists had a two day week which ended the trimester. The students took home their scratchboard drawings,still-life drawings and Pop Art inspired works of art to share with their families over the Thanksgiving Break.

In the area of community news and involvement:

Several 7th grade art students will have the opportunity to exhibit their drawings this year at the Downers Grove South Winter Art Show which will be a collaborative art exhibit this year. Five Lakeview art students will be selected and will have the opportunity to exhibit their work with DGS art students as an emerging artists in the community. More news will follow in future blog news during 2nd Trimester art.

Happy Thanksgiving....

End of 1st Trimester 7th grade art.

End of 1st Trimester 7th grade art.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Scratchboard Unit continues and Pop Art Unit has ended

This week students have completed their pattern and transfer step to begin the scatchboard process. Students are using nature themes and the elements of line and texture to complete their exciting scratchboard designs.

Students have viewed scratchboard examples and have seen a more advanced process of scratchboard at the professional level.

The 7th grade has also finished all their Pop Art mixed media drawings and are now taking them home to display with their pencil still-life work. Samples of these works will soon be shown on the district website gallery for viewing.

Also, sample 7th grade still-life drawings can be viewed in the Lakeview small showcase near the art and music rooms.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pop Art Unit coming to a close and Scratchboard begins

The students are finalizing their Pop Art drawings. Many students have completed their final Pop Art design and some samples of recent 7th grade artwork can be viewed shortly.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pop Art Unit Continues

The 7th grade artists are busy transposing a small comic frame to a large scale enlargement.
Students are using the concept of a grid for measurements and enlargement to scale.

The students are also selecting stencils and are using guidelines to create a large word or type in a speech balloon in the style of the Pop Art movement of the 1960s. Students are learning about horizonatal and vertical page formats and the use of a layout.

Once the pencil layout has been created student artists have begun their experimentation with a crayon and marker resist method to re-create the look of photo silk screen images which were used by artists such as Andy Warhol.

Sudents are using bright colors and often neon or flourescent colors to reflect the work of Warhol and a fellow artist named Roy Lichtenstein of the Modern period of art.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Still-Life Unit ends and Pop Art Unit Begins for 7th Grade

This week students put their final touches on their realistic still-life drawings.

Students created a variety of compositions using both geometric solids as well as fruits,vegetables,and other household objects made of diverse textures and materials.

Also, this week we began a major unit on Pop Art and the use of a grid in layout and design.
For our art history unit we have studied the work of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein who were two very important Pop artists of the Modern Period of art history.

Students will be creating a blow-up or enlargement of a small comic and will transpose the image on to a much larger scale in the style of the Pop art movement of the l960's.

Students are learning about type,guidelines,lettering styles, and composition formats as they transpose their comic into a Pop Art work of art.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Still-Life unit coming to a close soon and Pop Art Unit begins this week

This week the 7th grade artists continued with their still-life drawings and their study of realism,in additon to light and shadow.

For our art history unit students have studied the work of three Post Impressionists who worked with value and color in their work. We have explored the interesting life and artwork of Paul Cezanne,Paul Seurat,and Vincent Van Gogh who worked during the 19th -20th century in France.

Also, near the end of this week we have begun a unit on Pop Art and the relationship to the comic and comic strip in advertising. Students will be transposing small full-color comics into large blow-up images much like the work of Pop artist Andy Warhol and the Pop artist named Roy Lichtenstein of the l960s.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Still-Life Compositions come to life and artist Caravaggio

This week the 7th grade is working on their shading techniques on their Still- Life compositions.

Students are selecting still life objects to draw or working from a still-life set-up in the art room. Each student is using a full range of values from black to pale gray to enhance their work.

Students have explored the concept of both "additive drawing" and "subtractive drawing." In addition, students have been using various erasers to practice the subtractive technique of drawing to create both sharp and soft highlights on their objects. Also, students are starting to show texture or surface quality of the objects in their still-life.

We are also studying the life and work of the famous Italian Baroque artist named Caravaggio from the 17th-18th century who as a master of dramatic lighting,deep shadows and compositions that emotionally involve the viewer in the work.

This week the 7th grade will practice and review pastel shading techniques that can be used in renderings or still-life drawings as well.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Still-Life and Realism unit continues

This week students continued to work on their still-life layouts and finished drawings. Students have been using various shading techniques and have incorported the concept of overlap and linear perspective in their work.

The 7th grade artists have practiced shading geometric forms with several gradations in value.
Students have also used the elements of line,shape,form,space and texture in their artistic compositions. Also, in conjunction with this unit on realism and value we have explored the life and work of the 20th century American artist named Norman Rockwell. He is best known for his realistic illustrations and covers for The Saturday Evening Post. He frequently created compositions with props and photographs and incorporated a still-life about everyday life in his work which had universal appeal to his audience.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Still-Life,Color Layering,and special effects in shading

This week the 7th grade artists have reviewed and created a value scale in a color and shades of gray to be used in the creation of a finished still-life drawing. We have also reviewed the basic geometric solids and shapes,in addition to their relationship to blocking in a form for a still-life composition.

Students are drawing from still-life set-ups of wooden geometric solids,everyday objects,and organic forms such as fruits and vegetables. Students also learned the technique of color layering with colored pencils which lends itself to the rendering of still-life organic forms.

Also, the 7th grade artists have studied the life and work of the 17th century Dutch artist known as Rembrandt. This artist was a master of realism plus light and dark in his artwork. Rembrandt also created mood and emotion with his use of "hidden lighting" which had the effect of a spotlight on the subject or focal point of a painting.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Value Unit continues for the 7th grade

This week students began a series of value exercises in various types of media.
These exercises are part of the unit on Still-Life drawing. We have started a value scale in pencil which will be added to the final still-life drawing.

Students are also learning about the life and work of the French artist named Paul Cezanne of the 19th - 20th century. Cezanne is considered the father of modern art and is very well-known for his unique realistic still-life compositions.

Students are busy practicing a variety of shading techniques with colored pencils,shading pencils and crayons in their exploration of value.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Closure of Contour Line Shoe unit and start of Value Unit

The 7th grade artists completed all their contour line shoe drawings this week. They used accentuated contour lines to show form and a 3-dimensional illusion.
Each student selected an interesting shoe or sneaker to draw. They included the Elements of Art such as texture,shape,color and expressive line quality in their drawings.

Examples of student drawings can be viewed in the small showcase and in the art room at Lakeview. Also, color examples can be viewed on this blog and will soon be posted to the Lakeview web gallery site for viewing and enjoyment.

This week we have also begun a unit on value and shading techniques of organic forms such as fruit. This week we have worked on worksheets dealing with a review of geometric solids and shading in colored pencil.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

7th Grade Contour Line Shoe drawing unit

This week students were busy working on the final touches of their reflective contour line shoe drawings. Students have made great effort to show their texture and special details of their shoe.

Various examples of 7th grade drawings can be viewed in the small showcase by the lockers and in the art room.

Students also assisted in the preparation,matting and display of the work in the art room at Lakeview.

In additon, when all students have completed their shoe drawings a small team of student artists will assist in the digital photography and computer presentation of student artwork for the Art Room Blog and the Lakeview Jr.High District web gallery space which is refreshed with each new series of student art submissions.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Contour Line Unit continues-7th Grade Art

This week the 7th grade artists are busy working on their reflective and very expressive shoe drawings. Students are using their actual shoe as they draw from direct observation of a form. Some students have begun to enhance their drawings with an imaginary background to express a mood or something further about their world.

Each student is using the elements of line, form,color texture and value to make their shoe look both realistic and 3-dimensional. In addition, the 7th grade artists are employing the art principles of contrast to show texture and proportion,as they draw their shoe to scale.

In addition, students have learned about the principle of dominance and they are giving emphasis through the use of contour lines. These contour lines are accentuated lines that are used to make a 2-D drawing look three-dimensional in nature.

Also, connections to the world of animation,cartooning,and especially action comic book hereos have been displayed and explored in class from Marvel comics.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

1st Trimester 7th grade classes begin

For the 1st Trimester the 7th grade art students have reviewed the Elements of Art and the Principles of Art this week. Students have participated in art appreciation activities that integrate the terms or concepts with famous works of art.

In addition, the 7th grade students have begun a unit on the concept of contour line. Students are currently drawing a contour line study of their shoe in art class. Students will be integrating the concept of line,shape,form,color,value, and texture in their completed works of art.

Also, this week students will practice their cartooning and shading techniques with an interactive cartoon drawing video. Students will have the opportunity to create geometric solids and some advanced objects with the addition of value. The concept of accentuated line will be stressed in this work.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

6th grade art ends this week....

This week students have been learning about color schemes and advanced watercolor techniques. In addition, 6th grade students have created various unique designs that show warm colors, cool colors,complementary colors,and neutral colors. Students will be bringing their finished matted watercolors home this week. The matted work is suitable for professional framing and display.

This blog shows some sample 6th grade watercolor artwork from third trimester art clas

Look for the Lakview Jr.High district website for additional images of 6th grade artwork in the near future.

Have an enjoyable summer and I will see you in the fall with more news about Lakeview Jr.High artists....

Friday, May 29, 2009

Watercolor Painting unit closes

This week Lakeview artists finished their Illinois inspired landscape watercolor paintings.

Students used various techniques to transpose a photo to the medium of painting. After practice sessions on test strips, students tried the wet-in-wet technique,graded washes,salt resist,wax resist,flat washes and drybrush technique to enhance the elements of texture and value in their works of art.

In addition, this past week we further explored the concept of color theory. Students worked on analogous color schemes with cool,warm,and complementary color schemes on their design worksheets.

Also, in the area of art history and art appreciation we studied the life and work of famous 19th-20th century painter named Winslow Homer. This American watercolor artist was best known for his landscape and seascape watercolors and oil paintings that frequently depicted the forces of nature and man's struggle with nature. Many outstanding examples of this artist's beautiful work can be viewed at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Watercolor and Color Theory Unit continues

This week the 6th grade artists painted their Illinois watercolor landscapes,seascapes or cityscapes.

Students have watched classroom demonstrations on several watercolor techniques and color mixing methods. Each student is required to incorporate three or more watercolor techniques in their Illinois painting. The 6th grade is using graded washes, wet-in-wet washes, salt resist, wax resist, sponge textures, and drybrush to bring out the nature of the state of Illinois.

We have explored the color wheel through the mixing of secondary and intermediate colors,in addition to tints and neutral colors.Students have created compositions based on the use of foreground,middleground,and background or the divisions of a landscape to enhance their illusion of space and linear perspective.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Watercolor and Color Theory Unit

This week the 6th grade artists have been learning how to paint a color wheel in the watercolor medium.

Students have learned how to paint primary colors,secondary colors and intermediate colors in proper position on the color wheel.

In addition,we will cover tints and shades and the neutral colors.
Students will learn various watercolor painting techniques and experimental techniques to enhance their painting project.

Our theme is an Illinois inspired landscape or seascape that shows a sense of distance and space through linear perspective and value.

For our art appreciation unit we will explore the life and work of American realist artist Norman Rockwell who was know for his illustrations,drawings,and paintings of American scenes of everyday life.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

6th Grade Perspective Unit comes to a close

This week students have continued with their study of perspective. The 6th grade artists have finalized their colored pencil geometric solid drawing in one-point perspective.

Also,students have begun their unit on color theory and painting.

Currently, students are creating pencil layouts and sketches for their Illinois landscape painting which will be completed in the watercolor medium. Students will be using various Illinois state symbols in the creation of their layout which will use the concept of linear perspective and space.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

6th Grade Architecture and Community Artist-in-Residence this week!

This week the 6th grade artists continued with their drawing of a cube in 1 pt.perspective.

Students are using architectural vocabulary to label their drawing. In addition, students are using colored pencils to add value to their drawing and a cast shadow under a light source. The 6th grade has learned about the concept of linear perspective through an understanding of orthagonals,the horizon line, vanishing points,shadows and parallel lines.

In addition, this week we have begun the study of the life and work of American architect named Frank Lloyd Wright who was an extremely important modern artist of the 19th-20th century. Wright has left his mark around the world,as well as in many locations in the Midwest.

In the area of community news, this past week Mrs.Wendling, a 6th grade parent and practicing architect in the community discussed her residential and contract architectural work.

The 6th grade students who viewed her work really enjoyed her exciting visual presentation!!!!
She also talked about her education and training and the life of an architect.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Perspective unit begins and Lakeview Jr.High community art contest winners!

This week the 6th grade has begun their unit on perspective and architecture.

Students have started to learn about the various types of perspective,important terms,and have learned about connections in the everyday world to architecture and architectural drawings.

In addition, we have explored the life of 15th century artist Leonardo Da Vinci and his inventions. In class we have connected his invention of the concept of linear perspective and his use of light and shadow with realistic drawing and painting today.

Students have begun to draw a cube in one point perspective so that they can make it look real or 3-dimensional when they shade it next week.

Recently,samples of matted 6th grade surrealistic photomontage drawings and collages can be viewed in the small showcase by the lockers near the music and art rooms.

Next week we plan to have an artist-in-residence guest speaker who is a practicing architect in the community and 6th grade parent,as well.

We look forward to this exciting presentation in the art room next week!

In the area of community art news, congratulations goes to 8th grade students
Tosha Kadakia and Alison Maslar for their winning artwork in the area of scratchboard design and pencil rendering.

They will receive awards on Tues.April28 at 7:30 PM in the Lincoln Center Auditorium and their artwork will be professionally exhibited in the community.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Surrealism Unit comes to a close

This week the 6th grade students have been working on their surrealistic drawings. Students tried the technique of rubbings,collage,photomontage and realistic shading for this unit. Each student employed textures through rubbings and used a horizon line to delineate space in their work to give the illusion of linear perspective.

Students have also learned about the modern artists named M.C.Escher and
Rene Magritte who used many surrealistic techniques in their work.

In addition, the 6th grade artists have been reviewing connections between the relationship of surrealism to computer art and computer animation.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Surrealsim and Transformation and exciting Downers Grove Jr.High Art Contest!

This week the 6th grade art students continued to learn more about the various Elements and Principles of Art and their relationship to the creation of a work of art.

For our art history and art appreciation unit of study,students have completed a reading and worksheet on the modern Dutch artist named M.C.Escher who is widely known for his transformation images and unique illusions in perspective. Students are also using their knowledge and background in surrealism to create a photomontage with transformation images such as in the work of Dali,Magritte,and Escher.

In the area of community news and art contests, all 7th and 8th grade students can drop off their artwork and entry form to Miss Lehrer in the art room this week for the excitng Downers Grove Junior Women's Club Art Contest.

See website for exact contest details and additional entry forms:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

6th Grade artists begin Surrealism Unit

This week the 6th grade has begun their Surrealistic unit of study. Students are creating a photomontage composition with a hand drawn image integrated into the compositon.

Students are using overlapping of forms,silhouettes,and the illusion of space in their work. Students will use the elements of line,shape,value,space,texture and color to enhance their work of art.
In addition, the principles of unity,proportion,and dominance will be used.
In the area of art history and art appreciation, the 6th grade is reviewing the work of Salvatore Dali, Rene Magritte,and M.C. Escher who are 20th century artists known for their unique fantasy-like transformation images.

In the area of community news, any 7th or 8th grade Lakeview student may enter their 2D or 3D artwork in the annual Darien Junior Women's Club Junior High Art Contest.

See Miss Lehrer in the art room for contest details and an entry form or go to the website below:

Friday, March 20, 2009

6th Grade art and Exciting Jr.High Art Contest for 7th and 8th Grade Artists...

This week the 6th grade art students have been studying the elements of art. The students have also begun to explore famous paintings and their relationship to the elements of art.

The element of line and form has been incorporated into the 6th grade cartooning exercises this week.

In the area of art news, congratulations goes to 8th grade artist Christine Hood for her beautiful winning design for the Class of 2009 Grad Cover Design Art Contest!!
The 8th grade students put a lot of effort into their creative entries again this year.

In the area of community news and events , any 7th or 8th grade Lakeview student can enter their 2D or 3D artwork in the exciting Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club Art Contest!!!! See Ms.Lehrer in the Lakeview Jr.High Art Room for an entry form or pick one up from the hall poster advertisements posted in the Lakeview halls.

All artwork will be picked up on Tuesday April 14,2009 for the judging from Lakeview.

Awards will be presented on April 28 and winning artwork will be displayed at the Downers Grove Public Library.
Further information can be found at the Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club website:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The 3rd Trimester Art Begins for 6th Grade

This is the first week of the 3rd trimester at Lakeview Junior High for the 6th grade students. We have begun our Drawing unit and introduction to our Elements of Art unit, as well.

Students have created an imaginary drawing using one or more of the Elements of Art in their work such as line, shape, color, value, texture, and space. In addition,each student wrote a description of their artistic theme and discussed their use of an element of art in their work.

Also, this week we started our cartooning unit which is explored throughout the trimester since this enhances drawing skills.

Currently, parents,students and the community-at-large can view examples of recent 8th grade artwork from the 2nd trimester on my blog,as well as on the Center Cass School District 66 website by looking at the Lakeview link.

Some recent 8th grade artwork can be found on this blog.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Last week for 8th grade art

For this last week of 2nd trimester, the 8th grade students have been involved in a graphic design and advertising arts unit of study.

Students are completing the final details on the Class of 2009 Graduation program cover.

This work will be evaluated as a graphic design assignment, as well as an entry in the annual Grad Cover Design art contest at Lakeview Jr.High.

Also, this week we will begin an overview of the concept of logo design,trademarks,and symbols in art.

Students will begin some creative exercises in this area of study.

Examples of 8th grade gold metal scratchboard images and a variety of clay sculpture is currently on display in the small showcase area by the hallway lockers.

In addition, a variety of 8th grade drawings and clay sculpture will soon be included in the web gallery for the Lakeview Jr.High website for viewing.
Some examples of recent 8th grade artwork can be viewed on this blog.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Graphic Design Unit continues

This week the 8th grade art students have been working on their design of a graduation cover design for the 8th Grade Commencement in June.

Students have used graphic symbols that express learning,achievement,the future,and life at Lakeview Jr.High School in their designs.

The art principles of unity,contrast,proportion and dominance have been stressed in this unit of study. In addition, students have used different fonts or typefaces to enhance their designs with a message,quote or inspirational phrase.
For our art appreciation unit, we have begun to explore the life and work of the 20th century
Dutch artist known as Mondrian who is considered to be one of the artists that has greatly influenced architecture,industrial design and graphic arts due to his use of abstraction from nature and simplification of an idea.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sculpture unit ends and Graphic Design unit begins for 8th grade art

This past week students have completed painting details on their clay sculpture and have done some finishing touches on their work.

In addition, 8th grade art students have started their unit on advertising arts and graphic design. Students are learning about the principles of good graphic design in the creation of a program cover for the upcoming 8th Grade commencement ceremony.

This is an exciting real-life application of their knowledge of design,typefaces, and pictorial symbols. The students will be using principles such as unity,repetition,contrast and emphasis in the design of their program cover.

In addition, the 8th grade students are using various inspiration sources from their internet research to create a preliminary rough layout for their design. This rough pencil layout will be the basis for a final graduation cover design for the June commencement at Lakeview Jr.High School in June of 2009.

See Ms.Lehrer in the art room for entry requirements and contest details if you are not currently in art class at Lakeview Jr.High.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sculpture unit comes to a close this week....

This week the 8th grade art students have been finalizing their clay and metal sculptures in class. Students have explored various painting techniques such as stippling,drybrush, and the use of glazes on their clay sculptures.

We have also briefly experimented with impressionsitic style techniques.

For art appreciation this week,we will continue to view and discuss the exciting sculptural work of the 2oth century sculptor named George Segal who is best known for his plaster life-size sculptures of people in everyday settings.

Friday, February 6, 2009

8th Grade Sculpture Unit continues

This week the 8th grade artists created clay sculptures and began bas-relief metal or clay works of art.

Students have also explored the life of the French sculptor named Auguste Rodin who worked during both the 19th and 20th centuries. He is most well known for his works dealing with the human form and is well-known for his in-the round sculpture known as
"The Thinker."

In addition, we have begun to discuss the work of the contemporary sculptor named George Segal who is best known for his life-size plaster cast studies of the human form in every day settings. His works usually are open to a lot of interpretation due to the social impact and mood of his work.

We have also begun to review color theory and color painting techniques for clay and craft works of art.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Clay Sculpture Drawings and Bas-Relief Sculpture Techniques

This week students have completed their clay drawings in full color and nature internet research.

Students have begun thier bas-relief and in-the-round sculpture unit. The 8th grade students are exploring the medium of clay and metal sculpture. Students are learning about clay projections, recessions,and the use of texture in a sculptural work of art.

In the area of community news, several Lakeview students have won ribbons and recognition awards for the annual Darien Women's Club Youth Art Fair Contest.

For the 8th grade the art winners are:
Julia Wood,Andrea Fogarty,and Claire Aguzino

For the 7th grade the art winners were:
Emily Pikul and Ross Netzel

For the 6th grade the art winners were:
Jennifer Shi and Nicole Wroblewski

Congratulations and great job Lakeview artists!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Clay Sculpture Drawings and Darien Women's Club Art Contest news

This week Lakeview art students have been busy using the internet and library books to find information on a nature subject to use for inspiration for their clay sculpture project.

Students are drawing out their concept or idea for a bas-relief or in-the-round sculpture project in the medium of clay. Each student will enhance their sculpture by using the element of texture and realistic color to represent their theme.

In the area of community news, art students should bring in their artwork this Friday Jan.23,2009 between 4:30 and 6:30 only to the Eisenhower Jr.High School Commons Room for the Darien Women's Club Creative Youth Art Fair of 2009.

Remember, only works of art that have been pre-registered can be exhibited in this show. Details about this exciting community art event are posted throughout the Lakeview Jr.High hallways by the two art display showcases.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Darien Women's Art Contest Reminder and Realsim unit is finalized

This week we have been finalizing the realistic object renderings.

Students are also involved in the matting and presentation of their artwork for display purposes.

The 8th grade classes have also explored the basics of clay sculpture this week through the use of art appreciation videos and samples of clay works of art and pottery. We have reviewed the basic techniques of throwing on the pottery wheel and techniques for handbuilt clay sculpture.

We have also discussed the many ceramics and art class offerings at the Downers Grove South High School in preparation for High School registration and orientation.

In the are the area of community news, the Darien Women's Club is still accepting art entries for the annual Youth Art Fair Contest if the entry form is dropped off at the Indian Prairie Library by this Sat.January17,2009.


This event will be held Jan.23,24,and 25th at the Eisenhower Jr.High School.

Students are also asked to show community support for local military personnel through donations of needed items in collection baskets on drop off days at the Eisenhower Jr.High Art Exhibit sponsored by the Darien Women's Club.

This is part of the Darien Women's Club We Care Program.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Realism unit continues and Darien Women's Club Art Contest

This week the 8th grade artists have been busy working on their object renderings.
Students are transposing full color photos into highly detailed realistic renderings that show the element of texture through a variety of shading techniques.

Students are using additional elements of art such as value,line,form,and space to enhance their drawing. In addition, the 8th grade artists are using the art principle of contrast and dominance to bring out their subject

Also, in the area of community news the Darien Women's Club is still accepting 2-dimensional work and 3-dimensional artwork registration forms if the entry form is dropped off to the Indian Prairie-Library before the end of this week. Review the posted flyers for detailed contest requirements.

Detailed information about this exciting community art contest is posted in the Lakeview Jr.High hallways near the showcases and in the art room.

Miss Lehrer will help all students with the matting and presentation of their artwork if needed. Stop by the art room if you need help with matting your

2-dimensional artwork for this exciting art contest and exhibit.